Exposure to theatre is cross-curricular, transferable across various industries and professions

What comes to your mind when you think about theatre? You may think of lights, camera, Broadway, Stratford, Shakespeare, just to name a few. Many persons get scared just thinking about the word. It evokes a myriad of emotions in us that permeates the atmosphere. Others see no other direction that exposure to theatre canContinue reading “Exposure to theatre is cross-curricular, transferable across various industries and professions”

Don’t hesitate, decide to commit!

Commitment. This word leaves a bitter taste in many persons’ mouth. Whether it is commitment to your studies, a relationship, getting up to exercise, or even eating healthy – these all require some degree of commitment. In order to be successful at anything in life, you have to make the determination in your heart thatContinue reading “Don’t hesitate, decide to commit!”

When someone says, “You can’t,” tell them “Watch me.”

Filipa Walker. That was her name. I often told her that it sounds like a name of a famous person. “Yes! You’ve got that right! Because I will be a famous fashion designer.” I have always admired her boldness in dreaming aloud. She was a dreamer who believed in the impossible regardless of the manyContinue reading “When someone says, “You can’t,” tell them “Watch me.””

Playing your role

Everyone’s role is key. That’s our motto. Whether you are on the stage or backstage during a theatre production, whether you are clearing tables at a restaurant or the CEO of a business, your role is key. We each play an important part in collaborative projects and environments and the theatre is a safe andContinue reading “Playing your role”